Friday, August 24, 2012

And They're Off -- To School

School Supplies for Kindergarten

It’s been a busy week across Texas as teachers returned to their classrooms to prepare for the new school year and families met the teachers who will expand their kiddos’ minds. 

As Richardson ISD begins a new year, Taco Ocho wishes everyone a great start to a year full of learning and fun. Taco Ocho is surrounded by Richardson businesses and homes filled with people who learned about the world from great teachers. They had families who helped them do their homework when it was just too hard to figure it out on their own. And all of that is starting for a new generation.

On Monday little preschoolers and kindergarteners will be launched into the world of circle time and centers. First graders will transition from those little kids to big kids who’ve already put a school year notch on their belts. Second, third and fourth graders will start learning more complex subjects and start thinking more about the world at large. Fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth graders will struggle with that transition from being young into the great unknown of puberty and peer pressure. And the high schoolers are that much closer to knowing more than their parents (or so they think). 

Richardson ISD is about to start a whole new year of exciting sports, music and art. Students will find their groove, meet their best friends and be inspired by a teacher who appreciates them and challenges them to be something great.

Taco Ocho is proud to be part of the Richardson community because the schools are respected and strive for even better each year. And because of this, we will be watching the district throughout the school year, enjoying all the great things they do.

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